ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT  - Instructor Joanne Tippett - Biology 4400 - Spring 2002

This class is taught at Dominican University in San Rafael, California. In the lab sessions,  students conduct a planning process for possible ecological restoration of the two creeks on the Dominican Campus, using the SuNstainable DesignWays planning process.

Course Description

An investigation of ecological principles involved in human relationship to, and interaction with, the environment. Includes an exploration of the interrelated nature of ecology, economy and social equity, with a focus on systems thinking and analysis. Emphasis is given to political, economic and planning aspects involved in solution of environmental problems. Lab sessions will cover a range of skills for planning ecologically sustainable projects.

1. To gain a basic understanding of scientific principles, ecology and sustainability (integrating ecological, social and economic aspects).
2. Provide an opportunity to investigate environmental issues and apply sustainability principles in a planning project.
3. Introduce and practice transferable creative thinking, critical analysis and planning skills.

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Learn to apply understanding of scientific principles, ecology and sustainability in understanding today's environmental issues.
2. Learn and apply The Natural Step framework for planning and decision-making.
3. Learn to use critical and creative thinking skills to find solutions to environmental problems.
4. Develop the ability to synthesize concepts from an interdisciplinary perspective.
5. Develop the ability to communicate effectively to others what has been learned (oral, graphic and written presentation).

Course Resources

1. Useful links and resources for the course.
2. A copy of the Syllabus and Course Schedule (includes all assigned readings) NOTE NEW FIELD TRIP TIMES and NEW Due Date for Mid Term Essay Assignment
3. List of books on reserve for this class in Dominican Library
4. General recommendations for further reading
5. Local resources and events (useful for group projects)
6. Notes on assignments ESSAY and INDIVIDUAL PROJECT (and group project)
7. Lab practicals - hand outs from class.
  Restoration of Sisters Creek - Student Projects - Ecological Landscape Plans for Dominican Campus

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