'Think Like an Ecosystem'

Feedback from conference delegates on the presentation 'Think like an ecosystem' - embedding a living system paradigm into participatory planning by Joanne Tippett

UK Systems Society International Conference - Citizens and Governance in the Knowledge Age - the Contribution of Systems Thinking And Practice, St. Anne's College, Oxford 7-8 September 2004.

Delegates look at feedback on the second day of the conference

Delegates were asked to provide feedback on the approach presented in this workshop. The ideas developed are summarised in an excel worksheet. To download press here.

The paper presented at the confernece has since been published: Tippett, J., (2005) ''Think like an ecosystem' - embedding a living system paradigm into participatory planning'. Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol. 17 (6): 603 - 622.

The European Union Water Framework Directive offers an unparalleled opportunity for improving river basin management and moving towards a sustainable future. It is widely accepted that the concept of sustainable development itself can be understood in fairly simple terms, but that implementation, making the concept practically operable, is difficult to achieve in practice. There is a need to animate this process, making it more engaging and comprehensible for participants. This research examined the emerging role of active stakeholder participation in 'planning for sustainability'. The DesignWays planning process, developed by the author, was tested in the context of waterside regeneration in the Mersey Basin Campaign. The overall aim of this research was to explore the use of a systems thinking paradigm to inform participatory ecological design. It has demonstrated that a process consistent with a living systems paradigm can contribute to the development of more integrated, ecologically sound plans.